Under Economic Contribution you can see the Table 1 for schedule of non-refundable Economic Contribution depending on number of applicant.
Table 1 Schedule of Economic Contribution
Amount of Economic Contribution | Due Diligence Fee | Number of Applicant and Dependents | |
US$100, 000 | USD7,500 | -Processing Fee: USD1,000 -Certificate of Naturalization: USD 250 -Expedited Passport Issue Fee: USD 1,200 |
Single Applicant |
USD150,000 | USD7,500
USD4,000 Spouse |
-Processing Fee: USD1,000 per application – Certificate of Naturalization: USD 250 x 2 Expedited Passport Issue Fee: USD 1,200 x 2 |
Main Applicant plus Spouse |
USD175,000 | USD7,500 Note: Additional payment of USD4,000 for each dependent 16 years old and above |
-Processing Fee: USD1,000 per application – Certificate of Naturalization: USD250 x 4 -Expedited Passport Issue Fee: USD 1,200 x 4 |
Main Applicant plus Spouse and Two Dependents (below 18 years old) |
USD200,000 Note: Additional payment of USD25,000 for each dependent below 18 year of age |
USD7,500 Note: Additional payment of USD4,000 for each dependent 16 years old and above |
Processing Fee: USD1,000 per application – Certificate of Naturalization: USD250 per applicant – Expedited Passport Issue Fee: USD 1,200 per applicant |
Applicant plus spouse and more than two children below the age of 18 |
Consultation Fee: is depending on the number of applicants which is not included on the above schedule of payment.
Note:Dependent means:
A “child’’ means a biological or legally adopted child of a main applicant or his or her spouse.
Due Diligence is a process of investigation commissioned by the government to verify the information written on DisclosureForm filledby the applicant, it focuses but not limited on the following: Family background, criminal record and financial capacity.
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