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Citizenship by Investment Program Summary in Four Caribbean Countries

Four CARICOM members have legally adopted the Citizenship by Investment Program, however each countries varies on the amount of minimum required Economic Contribution and/or minimum Real Estate Investment. Table 4 shows the summary of programs in Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Barbuda and Antigua.

Table 4. Citizenship by Investment Program Summary

Country Minimum Amount of Economic Contribution Minimum Real Estate Investment Residency Requirement Interview Minimum Processing Period Number of Visa-Free
Dominica USD100,000.00 USD200,000.00 No Need Not Required 2 to 3 Months 115 Countries and Territories
Grenada USD200,000.00 USD350,000.00 No Need Not Required 3 Months 115 Countries and Territories
St. Kitts & Nevis USD250,000.00 USD400,000.00 No Need Not Required 4 to 6 Months 130 Countries and Territories
Antigua and Barbuda USD200,000.00 USD400,000.00 At least 5 days in 5 years Not Required 3 Months 131 Countries and Territories

Figure 1 below shows how the cost of the program varies in each four countries. Green line, shows the difference in minimum Real Estate Investment required for each countries while the blue line shows the minimum Economic Contribution required.


*Financially, among four Caribbean Country which offers Citizenship by Investment Program (second passport) the Nature Island of Dominica is the most affordable one.

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